Mike Emanuel's Cave Diving Page

Nemesis Sink

Photo of Nemesis Facing North East

Nemesis Facing Northeast

LOCATION: (lat. 28°22'06.2" N., long. 82°34'44.9" W.)

Nemesis is located in Pasco County, FL, in a pasture, across from the Pasco County Resource Recovery Plant, 150yds west of Hayes Road in Hudson.


The surface water is usually clear but vis fluctuates with depth (usually shitty), depths reach 250+. This sink was originally known to me as Lolly Sink until 1996 when a guy named Lee Hole did a solo dive that wound up lasting six months. During the numerous recovery dives, the sink somehow emerged with a new christening of "Nemesis".

NOTE: Lee's death left me feeling very awkward, he had contacted me a couple of weeks earlier with questions about many of the deeper dives in the area, including Lolly. I didn't think twice about sharing what I knew. Should I (or could I) have discouraged him from diving this site.... probably not. He told me about many deep dives he had done in the area in the previous weeks and was very determined to get information on more.

"Knowledge is Power"....please use the information contained on this website wisely.

Map Of Nemesis

Detail of Nemesis lower section